Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jallop the Clown.

It was deep in the night, in a most gloomy town,
when out from his lean-to came Jallop the clown.
He checked both directions of the most lifeless street,
then he pulled on one curl then stamped twice his feet.

Licking one finger, he smoothed each eyebrow,
then he wound up the key of his favorite toy cow.
with a skip and a hop, Jallop followed his friend,
till time after time, it unwound to the end.

Jallop looked down, at his friend not surprised,
and he pulled the same curl, and batted one eye.
Pulling off his glass slipper, he wound his cow tight,
with the toes of his left foot, and then with his right.

The cow sped ahead with a fake little "moo",
and Jallop skipped forward, after dawning his shoe.
The process continued year after year,
Jallop the clown, and his plastic toy: Leer.

It wasn't until, somewhere round about May,
that Jallop sat down, and started to say:
"I've been quite a while, in this circle of two.
I've been skipping in circles, its been just me and you.

I've learned many things, such as what one can do,
if you have shoes on your feet, and a smile of glue.
But what lies beyond, this little ghost town?
What could I find, skipping all the world around?

But I haven't the money, and glass shoes are no fun,
if you're going so far, or you're going to run."
Just then water hit him, a drip on the nose.
Two more followed her on his fingers and toes.

For once in his life, he wasn't so scared,
he had Leer in his pocket, and no one else cared.
As his makeup ran off him, and dripped into the dirt,
he saw his real face, for what is was worth.

He took one foot out, of those expensive glass shoes,
and pulled on one curl, like he once used to do.
He sat down in the mud, not too sad for his pants,
because Leer was still dry, and that wasn't by chance.

The rain didn't last long, but it worked just enough,
to show him beneath, was the permanent stuff.
Jallop zipped shut, his muddy pocket with glee,
for on this road now, its just King Leer and me.

I felt like I needed to something with the new year; and though I am late, I did it anyways. This poem kind of describes my life so far. I used a lot of symbolism so try to keep up.

Jallop: Jallop of course, represents me. Think of a clown. They essentially do the same thing over and over for a very similar crowd for the crowd's own enjoyment and his ultimate embarrassment. Up to this point in my life, I have been going about the same useless routine, gaining knowledge that is useful, but not necessarily applicable. I have on my glass slippers, not like Cinderella's, much cooler in fact. This symbolizes my desire for something to come and find me, essentially doing the work for me. My glued in smile is not because I am not happy but because I feel like it is necessary for the world (which seems to have abandoned me anyways). There are little things that make it obvious it is me, such as the pulling on curls (I used to do that when nervous but don't any more) and the rain cleansing me. (I love the rain)

Leer: My pet cow, King Leer has some very great relevance. Though you don't hear to much of Leer, he in fact, is the thing that prompts every useful thing that I do. Leer is essentially my Father in Heaven. He is always behind the scenes and I don't often acknowledge him for the many good things that he makes me do. At the beginning of my story, I follow close behind him but I stop to wind him just long enough, knowing that he will stop and I can take a break. He is called leer because that is how I see him, looking at me with a crooked sideways glance, possibly critical of me. When the rain begins, I protect Leer because he is the only one that has stayed for me through all of these years. I hold him close to me in the end and I make sure that he stays in my pocket to keep dry from the rain. I finally zip closed my pocket and realize that Leer has been leading me in circles for my own good. It wasn't until I could change that I could get anywhere. By the end of the story, I recognize what leer is, and instead of following him, I move constantly forward with him zipped tight in my pocket as my king.

I now urge you to go back and read it, and see if you can pick out some of the other things I didn't directly explain.

1 comment:

  1. wow. ed.
    i never knew clowns could be so philosophical and symbolic.
    i am a clown for a living... did you know that?
    ha ha so maybe we could exchange clown philosophies someday?
    wonderful blog dear boy.
