Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thank Heaven for my Onion!

I was running through the city,
with wings tightly on my back,
I was oh, in such a hurry,
Thinking'bout what I lacked.

A stone passed by, just below,
my perfectly sound sole;
but I sped on, having drawn,
the longer stick or pole.

I stopped myself, barely then,
and looked down at my feet.
among the mud and grime of life,
the brown and greenish peat.

I knelt in air above what was,
a possible demise,
and realized then how close it was
I had nearly passed it by.

the tugging at my wrist was one,
my heart almost the same
Thank heaven for my Onion,
And thank heaven for my Shame.

I know this one is kind of strange, but I drew a picture to maybe further your understanding. I realized how many times in life I take diety for granted. I often realize close calls but how often do I just attribute it to luck, mere chance, or even worse...my own talent. It is this poem that illustrates my gratitude for all of the tiny things in life that I often don't realize. The man in this poem has a full set of wings, but it is for his little floating onion that has saved him from disaster, that he is Grateful. Another thing that I have realized that I am extremely grateful for in the last little while is my guilt or shame. What kind of person would I be if I never had the motivation or drive to do something better or feel bad when I had genuinely done something wrong?


  1. Very deep mckay. Abstract, but after reading the explanation and read it again, it made sense.

  2. Good times not paying attention in american government. I love your poems... they are fantastic.
